Research and Funding
Quint M, Amaral O. Lessons from Ciência Viva: how teaching human genetics to XXIst century students must go beyond the classroom. European Journal of Human Genetics. 2019;28:533–534. doi:10.1038/s41431-019-0541
Rusow JA, Hidalgo MA, Calvetti S, Quint M, Wu S, Bray BC, Kipke MD. Health and Service Utilization among a Sample of Gender-diverse Adolescents of Color: The TRUTH Study. BMC Public Health. 2022;22:2312. doi:10.1186/s12889-022-14585-9
Wolfe H, Hughes L, Quint M, Hashemi L, Hughto JMW. HCV Screening and Care Cascade among Transgender and Gender Diverse Individuals in Administrative Claims Data. American Journal of Preventative Medicine. 2023; S0749-3797(23):00007-7. doi: 10.1016/j.amepre.2023.01.005
Reisner SL, Pletta D, Pardee D, Deutsch M, Hughto JMW, Peitzmeier S, Quint M, Potter J Electronic Assessment of HIV and STI Sexual Risk Behaviors in Trans Masculine Adults: The Trans Masculine Sexual Health Assessment (TM-SHA). Journal of Medical Internet Research Public Health Surveillance. 2023;9:e4050. doi: 10.2196/40503
Quint M. Wow, that’s me: Uneven access to gender-affirming care. Health Affairs. 2023, in press.
Psaros C, Hill-Rorie J, Quint M, Horvitz C, Dormitzer J, Biello K, Krakower D, Safren S, Mimiaga M, Sullivan P, Hightow-Weidman L, Mayer KH. A qualitative exploration of how to support PrEP adherence among young men who have sex with men. AIDS Care. 2023, in press.
Quint M+, Boskey L+, Kremen J, Kane K**, Tham R**, Xu R, Reisner SL. Gender affirming related information seeking behaviors in a diverse sample of transgender and gender diverse young adults. Journal of Medical Internet Research. 2023, in press.
​Under Review
I currently have 7 papers under review. I have omitted all citations for peer-review purposes.
** indicates a research mentee/a research assistant I oversee
+ indicates co-first authorsthip
Quint M, Canizzo N, Bhasin S, Coon D, Reisner S. What is the most important thing you want providers to know? Responses from the Transgender Health Equity Study. UCSF National Transgender Health Summit, May 2023, San Francisco, CA.
Quint M, Bailar S, Miranda A, Bhasin S, Coon D, Reisner S. The AFFIRM framework in transgender and gender diverse care: Qualitative findings from the Transgender and Gender Diverse Health Equity Study. UCSF National Transgender Health Summit, May 2023, San Francisco, CA.
Reisner S, Pletta D, Quint M, Deutsch M, Mayer KH, Potter J, Coon D, Bhasin S, Keuroghlian A, White-Hughto J, Radix A. Gender-Affirming Surgical History Satisfaction, and Unmet Need in Transgender and Gender Diverse Community Health Center Patients: Findings from The LEGACY Project. UCSF National Transgender Health Summit, May 2023, San Francisco, CA.
Quint M, Wang YC, Jolly D, Wall C, Kant J. A Community-Centered Perspective on Transgender and Nonbinary Data Collection in Research: An Interactive Panel and Round Table. TransPride Pittsburgh, 2022, Virtual.
Quint M, Pletta D, Radix A, Deutsch, Mayer K, Potter J, Hughto JMW, Reisner SL. Binding and tucking practices in a cohort of transgender and gender diverse adult community health center patients: Findings from The LEGACY Project. 27th Scientific Symposium World Professional Association for Transgender Health, September 2022, Toronto, Canada.
Reisner SL, Deutsch M, Mayer K, Grasso C, Campbell J, Pletta DR, Potter J, Gonzalez A, Keuroghlian AS, Hughto JMW, Asquith A, Pardee DJ, Harris A, Quint M, Radix A. Transgender Cohort Study of Gender Affirmation and HIV-Related Health. 27th Scientific Symposium World Professional Association for Transgender Health, September 2022, Toronto, Canada.
Quint M, Loret de Mola E, Hughes L, Wolfe H, Hughto JMW, Reisner S, Mimiaga M. Transgender and Gender Diverse Healthcare Discrimination and Adverse Experiences Scale (TGD-HDAES): Development and Potential Applications. National LGBTQ+ Health Conference, 2022, Chicago, IL.
Marr M, Bruinsma T, Spigner S, Rojo J, Quint M, Keyes T. Evaluating the usefulness of a student-led webinar as a platform for improving LGBTQ+ pre-medical student preparedness for applying to medical school. 2022 LGBT Health Workforce Conference, 2022, Virtual.
Quint M, Azar M, Kohashi C. Situational Vulnerability/Research with Risk Susceptible Populations Not Referenced in the Regulations. PRIMR 2021 Advancing Ethical Research Conference, 2021, Virtual.
Quint M, Ruffle-Deignan N, Stennett EM. Exploring the Fouling of Membranes in Water Purification Through the Combination of Water Flux Studies and Fluorescence Spectroscopy. 64th Annual Rochester Section American Chemical Society Research Symposium, 2019, Rochester, NY.
I have 4 additional abstracts under review. All have been blinded for peer review purposes.
Grant Funding & Ongoing Projects
Funded Submissions
Schiebe L, Quint M, Billings H, Iyer A, Potter J, Kaur M, Boysen W. Transgender and Gender Diverse Patients’ Experiences and Values Around Sexual Pleasure in the Context of Gender-Affirming Surgery: A Qualitative Interview Study. ($6,000 direct costs). Harvard Open Gate.
Intersex Research Coalition (non-intersex member). Engaging Intersex and People with VSCs (variations in sex characteristics) in Research and Medical Education to Inform Affirming Clinical Care. ($4,000 direct costs). Massachusetts Medical Society.
Ballroom Saves Lives: Resiliency and Wellness in Peru. ($10,000 direct costs). United States Department of State 2023 Citizen Diplomacy Action Fund Grant.
Unfunded Submissions
Charlton B, Quint M. LGBTQ+ Graduate Medical Education: Scoping Review. Society of Directors of Research in Medical Education.
Other On-Going Projects Without Funding
Barile B, Quint M, Purdy J, Freeman C. Silencing of “Them”: Active and Passive Silencing of Non-Binary Employees in Higher Education.
Medical Student Pride Alliance. Evaluating LGBTQ+ medical and graduate training and application experiences.
Bi-Plus Org Policy Team. Bi+ white paper and associated policy briefs.
Wolfe A, Quint M. Defining altersex identities and exploring the medical transition experiences of altersex individuals.